Recruitment notice: Consultant – Search for alternatives

Recruitment notice: Consultant – Search for alternatives

TdR model OPSYS – part A (version FR)

Search for alternatives to the Minawao camp

Located in the Mayo-Tsanaga Department, in the Far North Region of Cameroon, the
poorest in the country, the Minawao camp was opened on July 2, 2013 to accommodate the influx of
fleeing Nigerian refugees the abuses of the terrorist sect Boko Haram.
Geographically, the Minawao camp is located 70 km from Maroua and the
Nigerian border. It covers an area of ​​approximately 623 hectares and consists of 83 blocks, making it
the largest refugee camp in Cameroon. It is located at Longitude: 13° 51’25.83” E Latitude




: 10° 33’38.44”N. The camp falls under Gawar township on the border of Zamay township, and is
limited to the north by Yoldéo and Tchakakosseone, to the west by Gadala, to the east by Gouringuel and
Hodango, and to the south by Ndjindi Zamay, Zili Yolel, Mazigat and Fernde Gawar.
To date, Minawao camp is home to a population of 76,063 Nigerian refugees made up of 19,873
households. This population originates from the following states of Nigeria: Borno (96%), Adamawa
(3%), others (1%). It includes 61% minors under 18 and 54% women and girls.
Sociologically, the refugees in the Minawao camp belong to four major ethnic groups:
the Kanuri (52%), the Mafa/Matakam (18%), the Glavda (15%), the Mandara/Wandala (3%), and others
(12%). They are divided into 58% Muslims, 35% Protestants, 5% Catholics, and 2%
On March 2, 2017, a Tripartite Agreement for the voluntary repatriation of Nigerian refugees living in
Cameroon was signed between the Government of the Republic of Cameroon, the Government of
the Federal Republic of Nigeria and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Under
this Agreement, nearly 5,500 Nigerian refugees have been repatriated with dignity. This
voluntary repatriation operation continues, despite some operational constraints.
By definition, a refugee camp is a dedicated, temporary facility built for the purpose




of welcoming refugees and providing them with a safe environment and possibly care.
basic (accommodation, food, health care, protection, etc.).
It is an integrated and planned humanitarian space , based on an urban system for a limited period. However, it is clear that
most camps persist and tend to become almost permanent, which implies a policy
of prolonged assistance which does not allow the self-sufficiency of populations in exile.
The Minawao camp is 10 years old today. Crisis management, however, requires that the management
of emergency situations be limited in time, because when it extends beyond five
years the assistance response is no longer adequate. The defining characteristic of a camp involves
generally some degree of limitation on the rights and freedoms of refugees and their ability
to make meaningful choices about their lives. Living in closed camps, isolated from the
rest of society, can lead to refugees becoming dependent on humanitarian aid while
accentuating the trauma already suffered due to exile itself. Camps can also alter
local economies and development planning, and inflict
negative environmental impacts on the surrounding area. In certain cases, camps can increase protection risks
, linked to the parallel economies and the various trafficking that can develop around
This is why the policy of the UNHCR and more and more asylum countries is to avoid
the establishment of refugee camps, as far as possible, and to seek alternatives,
which have the advantage to provide sustainable answers and long-term perspectives for the people
who live there.

 The policy of the government of Cameroon, reiterated several times, is thus
Ref. Ares(2023)6373795 – 09/20/2023

the integration of refugees into communities and the non-proliferation of refugee camps on the
national territory.
The search for alternatives to camps therefore involves working towards the elimination of the restrictions
mentioned above so that refugees can lead more dignified, more independent
and more normal lives as members of the community, i.e. at the start of travel, or as soon
as possible thereafter. Indeed, refugees who have gained or maintained freedom of movement,
expressed their skills and developed viable livelihoods are more resilient and




better able to overcome future challenges than those who have spent years relying on
humanitarian assistance, whatever solutions may subsequently be available.
The possibility of supporting themselves also allows refugees to build up a small amount of capital
and return home more peacefully to rebuild their lives. In addition, the infrastructures
built in the communities by the different actors to allow better access to
basic social services such as health and education also benefit the host populations, which
is not the case for infrastructures built solely benefit of refugees in a camp.
The harmonious transition from camp to alternatives nevertheless calls for actions and preconditions
that require the involvement of all stakeholders.
Based on the above, the purpose of the present study is (i) to identify and analyze in depth
the possible alternatives to the Minawao refugee camp, by presenting
the legal environment for each of them, existing institutional, physical, socio-cultural, security and economic.
It will be based on field conditions, on the perception of central and local,
administrative and traditional authorities, of the refugees themselves, of civil society, of
host communities and on the absorption capacities of the different socio-economic environments of reception
identified. The study will also define for each of the alternatives (iii) the measures
support necessary for their achievement. Finally, it will specify (iv) the conditions necessary
for the sustainability of the alternative solutions identified.

 General objective
The general objective of the contract linked to these terms of reference is to support the policy of the
Government of Cameroon regarding refugees, by identifying sustainable alternatives to
refugee camps and more specifically to the refugee camp. Minawao.
 Specific objectives
More specifically, these will be:
 Specific objective 1: assess the feasibility and viability of the camp-
alternative solutions transition in the specific context of the Minawao camp;
 Specific objective 2: define community-based alternatives that are satisfactory for
all stakeholders, and respectful of the security concerns of the authorities
central and regional.
EU-funded actions must promote the cross-cutting objectives of the
European Commission: environment and climate change, a rights-based approach, the rights
of people with disabilities, indigenous populations and gender equality.
 Services required, including suggestion of methodology
To do this, the study must include the following elements:
ToR OPSYS model – part A (FR version) Page 3
1) An analysis of the capacities/strengths existing in the Extreme region -North, in the prefecture
of Mokolo, such as physical and environmental infrastructure, and the characteristics
of the populations who live there;
2) A bibliographic review of legal texts, documents, studies and/or research on this topic
) An analysis of opportunities for promoting the out-of-camp approach in national
and regional contexts. This will include analysis of relevant institutions, entry points provided
by local/national development plans, as well as Development,
Humanitarian and Peacebuilding (HDP Nexus) approaches;
4) An examination of the viability of the option of making one or more localities in the region a
welcoming city for former residents of the Minawao camp and local communities, by
strengthening its reception and accommodation capacities. socio-economic inclusion, as well as its offer of
basic social services;
5) An analysis of the gaps, threats and challenges to the implementation of out-of-camp approaches
for Nigerian refugees in the Far North, based on other examples in Cameroon or
elsewhere in Africa;
6) An analysis of risks and opportunities in terms of social cohesion (between hosts and refugees,
between ethnic groups, between religious groups, etc.).
7) An identification of the needs and supports required by existing out-of-camp refugees;
8) An analysis of the appropriate implementation periods for carrying out the
recommended changes, and the development of an overall implementation plan showing the
hierarchical sequencing of the different implementation stages;
9) An identification of key partners and their possible roles in promoting alternatives to
the camp situation;
10) Carrying out a socio-economic profile of refugees and host communities, as well as an
analysis of markets and value chains in displacement areas;
11) An analysis of the intentions, aspirations and concerns of refugees and
host communities through consultations, direct interactions and
structured participatory assessments;
12) A presentation and analysis of the Government’s vision and orientations regarding
alternatives to the Minawao camp;
13) Definition of the absorption capacities of potential displacement zones (inventory
community infrastructure, administrative structures, security mechanisms,
service delivery systems, housing, land, water and other
natural resources, etc.);
14) The definition of prior measures and specific conditions to be put in place at the level
of central, local authorities and host communities, upstream of the approach towards alternatives
to the Minawao camp.
15) A restitution of the results of the study in Maroua and Yaounde
In order to ensure ownership and sustainability of the work carried out, all the solutions proposed
by the study to offer a sustainable alternative to the Minawao camp must be discussed and validated
by the competent Cameroonian authorities, central and local.
The results of the study should enable the UNHCR, its partners, particularly NGOs and
civil society actors, and the Government to define and implement an alternative to the
current situation in the Minawao camp, the study should be conducted in close collaboration with
administrative authorities, centralized, decentralized and decentralized. The methodology must
integrate a participatory approach based on refugee rights (right of access to land; right to
work; right to social protection measures (eg CSU); etc.), and based on a
quantitative and qualitative base. The expert in charge of the study will work in close collaboration with the
management and the UNHCR team based in Cameroon (in particular the Protection section, the UNHCR Sub-Delegation of Maroua, the managers of the Minawao camp and the other
relevant technical sections of the UNHCR for the realization and restitution of the requested work), following a
timeline execution validated at the start of its mission. The expert in charge of the study will have to carry out
a debriefing with the UNHCR Office and the local administrative authorities in Maroua on his TOR report
OPSYS model – part A (FR version) Page 4
of the preliminary study, the main findings, conclusions and recommendations from the study. Relevant feedback
and comments will be taken into account. Should also be organized a
restitution of the finalized study in Maroua and Yaounde, approved by the UNHCR and the EU.
The Government of Cameroon and UNHCR are the main recipients of the study, the results of which
could have an impact on its policies, sectoral strategies, both operational and
technical. The expert recruited to carry out the study will work under the strategic
and operational guidelines of the UNHCR office in Yaoundé, validated by the Delegation of the European Union.
 Results to be achieved
The study will consist of two parts, organized around the two targeted results:
 Result 1: A state of feasibility, viability and relevance of the campalternatives transition in the specific context of the Minawao camp is established;
 Result 2: Detailed alternative solutions to the community-based camp,
each including a precise statement of the support measures to be put in place, are proposed and
 Language of the specific contract
The language of the contract will be French.
 Presence of the management team for the briefing and/debriefing
The presence of the management team is not required, neither for the briefing nor for the debriefing.
See Part B of the Terms of Reference.
The planned duration for carrying out this study is 90 working days (i.e. three months).
The work base will be the Minawao camp and the surrounding areas, with missions to
Yaoundé to exchange with the central authorities, the UNHCR and the Delegation of the European Union.
The expert must commit to being available at all times during the contract period and have flexibility
for possible unforeseen and unexpected opportunities that arise.
See Part B of the Terms of Reference.
To carry out the study, the mobilization of a category II expert is required. The expert
must demonstrate proven experience in issues related to the care and
sustainable reintegration of refugees, particularly in Africa.
Candidate experts will be selected on the basis of their experiences presented in a CV as well as
as on the file containing the analysis and methodology of the work.
The following qualifications are required:
Academic training:
 BAC+4 or equivalent,
 Diploma in the field of humanitarian work, political science,
economic or social sciences, development economics or any other related sector.
ToR model OPSYS – part A (FR version) Page 5
Professional qualifications:
 A minimum of six years of experience on subjects related to the care of
 Knowledge of the context of refugees in the Far North Regions and elsewhere in
 Excellent knowledge of terminologies and policies for protection, management of
refugees and socio-economic inclusion of vulnerable groups such as people under
UNHCR mandate;
 Proven experience in developing studies in the humanitarian –
development context;
 Proven knowledge and experience in sociology, community approach,
sociocultural and security context of the Far North Region;
 Excellent communication and writing skills;
 Perfect command of French;
 Independence from the parties involved.
 Proven experience in leading political dialogue with national authorities
 Prior experience on UNHCR programs in other contexts including Africa
central and the Lake Chad basin, is an advantage.
Three reports are expected from the expert:
 Preliminary report: within ten days following the briefing meeting with the DUE and UNHCR
, the expert must produce a report of maximum ten pages indicating the activities he
intends to carry out in place to achieve the objectives of the study, accompanied by an implementation schedule
. This report will list the state structures, regional, central and local authorities
, services and individuals to be met as part of the mission
 Provisional report: a provisional report must be sent by the expert 45 days after the
briefing meeting with DUE and UNHCR. This report will include the two parts
requested in point 2. Results to be achieved, including the findings and conclusions obtained
to date
 Final report: fifteen days before the end of the mission, the expert will produce his final report
which he will present to the DUE and UNHCR. This report will incorporate the comments made by the DUE
and the UNHCR on the interim report. This report will be the subject of a final restitution to the
local authorities concerned (Minawao) and central authorities within 90 days of the mission. This
report will be sent in electronic version to the authorities concerned before restitution
to ensure the integration of their contributions and comments.
 Definition of indicators
The selected expert will act on the instructions of the European Commission and under the supervision of the
UNHCR office in Yaoundé, with which he will collaborate closely and regularly. It should also,
with the support of HCR and the DUE, ensure consultations with the government as well as
with NGOs. As an indication, periodic meetings will be organized in the premises of
the Delegation in Yaoundé to monitor the progress of the mission.
The progress of the mission will be evaluated on the basis of the following elements/criteria:
 Common understanding of the terms of reference and the methodology for implementing
the contract;
 Active participation in follow-up meetings;
 Proactivity in identifying solutions where appropriate;
ToR OPSYS model – part A (FR version) Page 6
 Delivery of expected results within the set deadlines.

Send any requests for clarification and other relevant communications to the following address:

* * *
1. Beneficiary area
2. Power adjudicator
The European Union, represented by the European Commission, B-1049 Brussels, Belgium.
3. Language of the contract
4. Location of the mission
• protection policies, sustainable refugee management:
• Normal duty station of the specific mission: The working base will be the
Minawao camp
• Mission(s) outside the normal duty station and duration(s): The localities around
Minawao and Yaounde
5. Start date and implementation period
The indicative start date is set for 01/12/2023 and the implementation period of the
specific market will be 90 Day(s) from this date (indicative end date: 02/29/2024).
6. Expertise
For this mission, an individual expert must be proposed for each position.
The expertise required for the implementation of the specific market is detailed below.
• protection policies, sustainable management of refugees: • General description of the position: To carry out the study, the mobilization of a category II expert
is requested .
The expert must demonstrate proven experience
in issues related to the care and sustainable reintegration of refugees,
particularly in Africa.
• Category of the expert: Cat. II (>6 years of experience)
• Qualifications and skills: • BAC+4 or equivalent, • Diploma in the field of
ToR template OPSYS – part B Page 1 of 4
of humanitarian, political sciences, economic or social sciences ,
development economics or any other related sector
• General professional experience: Proven experience in developing studies
in the humanitarian – development context • Excellent
communication and writing skills; • Perfect command of French; • Independence
from the parties involved. • Proven experience in leading
political dialogue with national authorities • Prior experience on UNHCR programs
in other contexts including Central Africa and the Chad Lake Basin,
is an advantage.
• Specific professional experience: • A minimum of six years of experience on subjects
related to the care of refugees • Knowledge of the refugee context
in the Far North Regions and elsewhere in Cameroon • Excellent knowledge
of terminologies and policies for protection, refugee management and
socio-economic inclusion of vulnerable groups such as people under UNHCR mandate
• Language skills: Perfect command of French
• Minimum number of days worked: 64 days
7. Incidental expenses
No incidental expenses are planned for this contract.
8. Lump sum costs
The contract does not provide for any lump sum costs.
9. Expenditure Verification
No expenditure verification report is required.
10. Other elements defined by the contracting authority
The contract does not provide for any other elements.
11. Reports and other mandatory deliverables
Title Content Language Deadline for submission
Preliminary report
within ten days
of the briefing meeting
with the EUD
and UNHCR, the expert
must produce a
report of maximum ten pages
the activities that he
intends to put in
place to achieve
the objectives of
Within 10
Day(s) After the
start of the project
ToR template OPSYS – part B Page 2 of 4
Title Content Language Deadline for submission
of the study, accompanied
by a timetable of
implementation. This
report will list
state structures , regional, central and local
authorities , services and individuals to be met as part of the mission Progress report a provisional report must be sent by the expert 45 days after the briefing meeting with the DUE and the UNHCR. This report will include the two parts requested in point 2. Results to be achieved, including the findings and conclusions obtained to date French Within 45 Day(s) After the start of the project Final report fifteen days before


At the end of the mission,
the expert will produce
his final report
which he will present to
the DUE and the UNHCR.
This report will incorporate
the comments made
by the DUE and the
UNHCR on the
interim report. This report
will be the subject of a
final restitution
to the
local authorities concerned
(Minawao) and
central authorities within
90 days of the
mission. This report
will be sent in
electronic version
to the authorities
concerned before
restitution to
ensure French integration
Within 15 Day(s)
Before the end of the project
ToR template OPSYS – part B Page 3 of 4
Title Content Language Deadline for submitting
their contributions
and comments
ToR template OPSYS – part B





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