Competitive examination into the First Year of the Institute of Fine Arts Foumban (IBAF) of the University of Dschang for the 2023-2024 academic year

The Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education decides :
Article 1 : A single competition on written and practical tests is open for the recruitment of 260 students in the first year of the Institute of Fine Arts of the University of Dschang in Foumban, for the 2023/2024 academic year in the following fields and training courses:
– Plastic arts (painting and drawing, sculpture, engraving, ceramics, art history and contemporary art): 25 places
– Decorative arts (fashion design, model making, fashion accessories and textile arts): 80 places
– Arts, Technology and Heritage (Technology of wood and plant fibers, technology of clays, metals and alloys, Heritage and museology): 50 places – Performing arts (choreographic art and dance, musical art, cinematographic and audiovisual art
, art theatrical): 25 places




– Architecture and engineering art: 80 places
The competition will take place on September 12 and 13, 2023 at the following centers: Foumban, Bamenda-Bambui, Yaoundé-Nkolbisson, Dschang and Douala.





ofthe Constitution;
oflawN°2001/005 ofApril 16, 2001 to orientate the Higher Education;
ofdecree N” 2011/408 ofDecember 9, 2011 organising the government
ofdecree N2011/410 ofDecember 9, 2011 ta form the government
ofdecree N93/026 oflanuary 19, 1993 creating Universities
ofdecree N” 93/027 oflanuary 19, 1993 modified and completed bydecree N” 2005/342 of
September 10, 2005 to state common provisions ofthe Universities
ofdecree N” 93/032 oflanuary 19, 1993 stipulating the financialregime applicable to the Universities
ofdecree N” 93/029 oflanuary 19, 1993 stating the administrative and academic organization ofthe University of
ofDecree n” 2013/0891/PMofMarch 12, 2013 appointing officiais in the Ministry ofHigher Education;
ofdecree n 2012/433 ofOctober 1, 2012 organising the MinistyofHigher Education
ofdecree n” 2012/333 ofJune 29, 2012 to appointa Vice-Chancellor and rectors in some State Universities;
ofDecree n 2012/366 ofAugust 6 2012 appointing persans in State Universities;
ofDecree n” 2015/398 ofSeptember 15, 2015 appointing Rectors in State Universities;
ofDecree n 2021/400 ofJuly 06, 2021 on the administrative and academic organisation ofthe Jnstitute ofFine Arts
ofthe University ofDschang;
ofDecree n ° 2022/239 ofJune 17, 2022 appointing officiais in State Universities;
ofDecision n18 230 069/MJNESUP/SG/DAUQ/SDEAC ofApril 11, 2023, fixing the ca!endar ofcompetitive
Entrance Examination into Cameroonian State Universities, for the 2023/2024 academicyear;
Article 1: A competitive entrance written and practical examination is open for the recruitment of 260 students
into the first year of the Institute of Fine Arts of the University of Dschang in Foumban for the academic year
2023-2024, in the following training fields and training courses:
• Plastic Arts (Painting and drawing, sculpture, engraving, ceramics, Arts history and contemporary Arts):
25 places.
• Decorative Arts (Fashion-Design,Modelling, Fashion accessories and Textile Arts) 80 places.
• Arts, Technology and Heritage (Wood and vegetable Fibres Technology, Clay technology, Meta! and
alloy technology, Heritage and Museum Studies) : 50 places
• Performing Arts (Choreographic Arts and Dance, Musical Arts, Cinematographic and Audio-Visual Art,
Theatre Art): 25 places.



• Architecture and Engineering Art (Architecture: 80 places).
Page 1 sur 3
The entrance examination will take place on the 12 and 13 September 2023 in the fo\lowing Centres: Foumban,
BamendaBambui, Yaounde–Nkolbisson, Dschang and Douala.
Article 2:
( 1) The examination is open to Cameroonians of both sexes who are holders of a Baccalaureate in ail series
or a General Certificate of Education Advanced Level (GCE “A” Level) in at least two papers Religious
knowledge not taken into account, or any other diploma recognised as equivalent by the Ministry of
Higher Education: a Technician’s Certificate (BT) or a Professional certificate (BP).
(2) Candidates from member countries of the Economie and Monetary Community of Central Africa
(CEMAC) having ratified the text governing the national treatment of students and justifying the
required qualifications are admitted to write under the same conditions as their Cameroonian
(3) Candidates from non-CEMAC member countries, fu\filling the required conditions, may be admitted on
files study within the li mit of available places, if they undertake to pay their tuition fees.

Article 3: Complete application files must be submitted to the Admissions office of the Institute of Fine Arts in
Foumban (IFAF) no later than 08 September, 2023 or by registered mail with acknowledgement of receipt, P.O.
Box 31 Foumban to the Director of IBA-UDs, or in the branches (antennae) of the University of Dschang in
Yaounde (Nkolbisson), Maroua and Bamenda-Bambui, or in the Regional Delegations of Secondary Education.

These files should include the following documents:

1. An application form downloaded after having followed the online pre-registration procedure on the
SIGES ONLINE platform of University of Dschang website, http://sigesonline,
2. A payment receipt of registration fees of twenty thousand (20,000) CFA francs in any of the financial
institutions (EXPRESS UNION, EXPRESS EXCHANGE) chosen when downloading the discharge (a copy of
the receipt to be presented in the examination room).
3. Certified true copies of Baccalaureate or GCE A/L, or a certified true result slips of successful completion
of one of these diplomas;
4. Certified photocopies of Bacca\aureate or GCE A/L transcripts, transcripts ofthe final or Upper Six class; •
5. A certified photocopy of the birth certificate dated less than three months;
6. A medical certificate;
7. Four 4×4 identity photographs (enter the name on the back).
8. An envelope (format A4) stamped by the post office (according to the weight of the attachments and
the address of the candidate).
N.B: Candidates in their final year can apply subject to obtaining the required diploma. They must attach to
their files, a certificate of schooling for the current year (2022/2023)
Article 4: The registration fees for the competitive examination are not refundable and only candidates
presenting a complete file are called upon to write.
Article 5: The competitive examination comprises three parts:
A study offiles (20% of final mark). n
A written examination (60% offinal mark). \ .
A practical examination (20% of final mark).r
Page 2 sur 3
These tests are distributed as follows:
Fields of Studies Type ofTest Time Coef.
Plastic Arts General knowledge (in French or English) 2hrs 3
Language test (French or English language) 2hrs 2
Decorative Arts Drawing (Practicals) 3hrs 2
General knowledge (in French or English) 2hrs 3
Performing Arts French language or English \anguage 2hrs 2
Practica\s 1 hr. 2
General knowledge (ln French or English) 2hrs 2
French \anguage or English \anguage 2hrs 2
Arts, Techno\ogy and Patrimony
Mathematics or physics (MCQs) 2hrs 1
Drawing (Practica\s) 3hrs 2
General Knowledge (ln French or English) 2hrs 2
French \anguage or English language 2hrs 1
Architecture and Engineering Art Mathematics (MCQs) 2hrs 1
Physics (MCQs) 2hrs 2
Drawing Practicals) 3hrs. 2
Article 7: Each test is marked out of 20.
Article 8: The syllabus of the examination is that of the Baccalaureates A, B, C, G, F and D for the Frenchspeaking candidates and GCE “A” Level for English-speaking candidates.
Article 9: Deliberations take place within a jury appointed by the Minister of Higher Education on the proposai
of the Rector of the University of Dschang.
Article 10: The final results are published by press release from the Minister of Higher Education.
• Article 11: Admission status cannot be deferred from one year to another.
Article 12: Expenditures linked to the organisation of this competitive examination are chargeable to the 2023
budget of the University of Dschang.
Article 13: The Rector of the University of Dschang, the Director of University Accreditations and Quality and
the Director of the Institute of Fine Arts of the University of Dschang in Foumban are responsible in their
respective capacities, for the implementation of this decision which shall be registered and published wherever





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