Order Launching the entrance examinations to ENS and ENSET for the 2022-2023 academic year – ENSET Bamenda (1st cycle)

Order Launching the entrance examinations to ENS and ENSET for the 2022-2023 academic year – ENSET Bamenda (1st cycle)

Mindful of the Constitution;
OfDecree n° 93/026 of January 19, 1993 to set up Universities;
Of Decree n° 93/027 of January 19, 1993 fixing common dispositions in State Universities,
modified and supplemented by Decree No 2005/342 of 10th September, 2005;
of Law n° 005 of April 6, 2001 bearing on the orientation of Higher Education;
Of Decree no 2011/190 of December 9th, 2011 to appoint members of Govemment;
Of Decree n° 2018/408 of 2 march, 2018 to complete certain dispositions Of Decree no
2011/408 of December 9, 2011 to organise the Government;
Of Decree no 2019/002 of 04 January 2019 to reshuffle the Govemment;
OfDecree n°2012/433 of 1
st October, 2012 to organize the Ministry ofHigher Education;
Of Decree n° 2010/372 of 14th December, 2010 upgradin ENSAB into Higher Teacher
Training College (HTTC) and Higher Technical Teachet 88l :ge (HTTTC);
Of Decree n° 004/CAB/PM of 10th February, 20 to national schools of
training and recruitment of civil servants;
Of Decree n° 2010/371 of 14th December, St!! 1enda;
Of Decree n° 2011/045 of 08th March, @jR y 1enda;
Of Decree n° 2015/541 of 27 Nove r of the University
Of Decree n° 2022/238 of 17th gher Technical Teacher
Training College;
Of Circular 18220053/MINESUP/ /2022 fixing the calendar of the
competitive entrance examination u ies of State Universities for the
2022/2023 academic year;
Article 1.- A Competitive Entrance Examination into First Year of the First Cycle of the Higher
Technical Teacher Training College (HTTTC) Bambili, The University of Bamenda, for the 2022/2023
academic year has been launched in the following Departments/Specialties:
Denartment Option Number of nlaces
Fundamental Sciences
Mathematics, Science and 10

Civil Engineeringand ForestryTechniques Building and Public works 10
Electrical and Power Engineering Electrotechnics 10
Social Economy and Family Management Fashion Clothing and Textile 10
Article 2. (1) The examination shall be organized in one sitting to Cameroonians ofboth sexes, holders ofGCE
AIL or Baccalauréat or any equivalent diploma recognized by the Minister of Higher Education.
(2) The table below shows the required diplomas or certificates a candidate must have to
be qualified to register for the Competitive Entrance Examination for a· given Department:
– Department Option Required diplomas or certificates
Baccalauréat Général :C, D or E, GCE AIL in
, at least 2 papers among the following : Pure
Fundamental Sciences
Mathematics, Science and Maths, Applied Maths, Further Maths,
Technology Chemistry, Physics and Computer Studies,
Baccalauréat Technique : F2, F3 or BT-MISE,
GCE AIL Technical F2, F3 or MISE.
Baccalauréat C,D,E or GCE A/L in at
least two ofthe following papers(Pure
Maths, Further Maths , Applied Maths,
Physics,Computer Studies).
Civil Engineering and Building and Public Works
Baccalauréat Technique F4, BT-Plumbing, BTForestry Techniques
Public Works, ET-Architecture and related
GCE AIL Technical in Building Construction,
GCE AIL Technical in Civil Engineering or
Baccalauréat C,D,E or GCE AIL in atleast two
Electrical and Power ofthe following papers (PureMaths, Further
Engineering Maths, Applied Maths, Physics,Chemistry,
Computer Science)
Baccalauréat Technique: F3, BT-MEM, GCE
AIL Technical in Electric Technology,
Electronics or Electrotechnics or Computer
Social Economy and
BT-IH (Brevet de Technicien in Clothing
Industry and Textile). GCE AIL Technical in
Family Management Fashion Clothing and Clothing Industry and Textile Field. GCE Al L
Textile in at least two of the following science papers
(physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology).
Article 3. (1) Foreign candidates may be allowed to sit for the examination in the same academic
conditions according to the number of places available, in conformity with the regulations in force.
(2) Candidates who are not civil servants must be at most 29 years old on January 1
Article 4.The application files shall comprise the following documents:
• An online registration form to be filled at the web address -an online registration
form to be filled at the web address https://www.htttcuniba-edu.com/official in
order to obtain an acceptance slip to be signed by an official at the reception centre
and a confirmation letter of online registration;
• A receipt upon payment of twenty thousand (20,000) CFA as registration fee
delivered by Express Exchange SA after presentation of your confirmation letter
of online registration. No other form of payment shall be accepted;
• Confirmation letter of online registration;
• A certified true photocopy of the birth certificate dated not more than six (6)
• Transcripts of Probatoire or GCE O/L and Baccalauréat or GCE AIL signed or
certified by the competent academic authorities;
• A certified photocopy of Baccalauréat or GCE AIL or equivalent diploma dated not
more than six (6) months. Candidates preparing the Baccalauréat or GCE A.L for
2022 session shall present their diploma in due time ;
• A certificate of non-conviction dated not more than three months;
• One self-addressed A4 envelope bearing postal stamps in_con
the regulations in force; SER€Es DüPRÉniERMINISTRE
• Two passport-size photographs; VISA
6 A0U 2022

• An authorisation to sit for the examination issued by the Minister of Basic
Education, the Minister of Secondary Education, the Minister of Higher Education
for candidates working in those Ministries, or the Minister of Public Service for
other civil servants.
Article 5. ( 1) Holders of foreign diplomas shall submit either the equivalence or_the receipt
showing that they applied for the equivalence of their diplomas or certificates. The order granting
equivalence and the receipt are issued by the Minister of Higher Education.
(2) The final admission of these candidates shall be confirmed only on presentation within
the date limit set by the competent authorities ofthe text granting them equivalence.
Article 6. – Complete files should be submitted to HTITC Bambili (Admission Office) or the
Regional Delegations of the Ministry of Secondary Education latest on Friday, October 14, 2022.
The receiving official shall sign the acceptance slip and return to candidate.
Article 7.- The examination shall comprise:
a. One written paper based on Multiple Choice Questions (70% ofthe total
b. Academic performance (30% ofthe total assessment);
Article 8.The written paper based on Multiple Choice Questions will take place on October 22, 2022,
at 8 a.m., for three (03) hours, in the following exarnination centers: Bafoussam, Bambili, Buea,
Douala, Ngaoundere, Yaounde.
Articteg. – (1) The distribution of papers per Department is indicated in the following table :
Part One (Major)
Department Option (Minor)
Fundamental Sciences Mathematics, Science
Physics Mathematics
and Technology
Civil Engineering and Building and Pubiic Applied Mechanics for F4 Mathematics
Forestry Technics Works or Physics
Electrical and Power Electrotechnics and Mathematics
Engineering Electrotechnics Electronic
or Physics
Social Economy and
Fashion Clothing and
Project in Fashion Clothing General
Farnily Management
and Textiles Mathematics
(2) The syllabuses ofthe competitive entrance exarnination in each section are the same as
in the Baccalaureate or GCE AIL programmes
Article 10. (1) Marks for the paper of the written test are ranged from zero to one hundred. Any
candidate who scores less than five 25/100 shall be disqualified.
(2) The academic performance will mostly be based on:
– The candidate’s age;
– The number ofyears spent in Secondary Education ;
– Transcripts of Probatoire, GCE 0/L and that of Baccalaureat Or GCE AIL .
pl1aleti or.er w1Il be pu,bli.sashed by the
. 008499 _ ,26 400 2022

Article 11.- The list ofsuccessful candidates per series and in alphab ‘ical rd
Minister ofHigher Education.
Article 12.- The composition ofthe jury mentioned in the above articles is specified by the Minister of
Higher Education,
Article 13.- Registration fees as stipulated In Article 4 are not refundable.
Article 14.- The Vice-Chancellor of the University of Bamenda, the Director of University
Accreditations and Quality and the Director of the Higher Technical Teacher Training College Bambili,
each in his/her own sphere, are responsible for the implementation ofthis order which shall be registered
and published in English and French wherever necessary.

Decree: ENSET Bambili_1er (1)





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