2023 DIRECT RECRUITMENT COMPETITION: CENAJES National Center for Youth and Sports of Kribi
Peace – Work – Homeland
Peace – Work – Fatherland
ORDER N° 0 0 3 5 9 8/MINFOPRA / of June 12, 2023
Carrying opening of a
training competition for the recruitment of twenty
(20) student Principal Instructors of Youth and Action (IPJA) and twenty (20) student Instructors of Youth and Action (IJA) and twenty (20) student Assistant Instructors of Youth and Animation (IAJA) at the National Center for Youth and Sports (CENAJES) in Kribi, for the
academic year 2023/2024.
Considering the Constitution;
Having regard to Decree No. 75/789 of December 18, 1975 on the Special Statute of the corps of
Youth and Sports officials;
Having regard to Decree No. 84/050 of February 27, 1984 on the Statute of National Centers for Youth
and Sports (CENAJES);
Having regard to Decree No. 94/199 of October 7, 1994 on the General Statute of the State Public Service,
amended and supplemented by Decree No. 2000/287 of October 12, 2000;
Having regard to Decree No. 2011/408 of December 9, 2011 on the organization of the C3ouverncment, amended
and supplemented by Decree No. 2018/190 of March 2, 2018;
Having regard to Decree No. 2012/537 of November 19, 2012 on the organization dll N/finistère of the
Public Service and Administrative Reform;
ju Decree No. 2018/191 of March 2, 2018 on the reorganization of the Government;
Considering the decree nù2000/696/PM of September 13, 2000 fixing the General Regime of
Administrative Competitions;
Having regard to Order No. 040/PM of May 19, 2022 setting the procedures for granting the age restriction to persons with
disabilities during administrative competitions and rccru remI
the State
VII Order No. 00000490/MINFI of December 21, 2022 specifying
cttl’re of administrative competition costs, ORDERS
in the l–unction Ptlbliqtle dc
o02758 1+ai 2 JUNE2023
Article l“.- (I) A training competition for the recruitment of 20
Principal Youth and Action Instructors (IPJA), twenty (20) student
Youth and Action Instructors (IJA) and twenty (20 ) Student Assistant Instructors
of Youth and Animation (IAJA) in the National Center for Youth and Sports
(CENAJES) of Kribi is open in the Centers of Bamenda, Bafouss, Im, Douala, Garotla and
Yaoundé, under the academic year 2023/2024.
(2) Said competition will take place on September 19 and 20, 2023 for the
physical tests and on September 23 and 24, 2023 for the written tests
(3) The Places offered in the competition are distributed as follows:
Internal candidates
Armed Forces, Police and
Prison Administration
External candidates Civilians
Principal Instructors of
Youth and Animation (IPJA) 18 places f 01 place 01 place
Page 1Instructors of Youth and
Animation (ÏJA)
Assistant Instructors il–e–
Jeunesse et Animation (IAJA)
18 places
19 places
02 places
01 place
Article 2..
a General conditions! Cameroonians of two (02) sexes who meet the following conditions
may apply1) Retain the general conditions required for access to public employment, asenacted by the General Statute of the Public Service of the State. 2) be able to assume the work of Youth and Animation Instructors. 3) be seventeen (17) years old at least and twenty-seven (27) years old at most on January 1, 2023(be born between 01/01/1996 and 01/01/2006) for external IAJA candidates,thirty-one (31) years at the most on January 2023 (be born between 01/01/1992 and 01/01/2006) for external IPJA and IJA candidates, and forty (40 ) years at most
January 2023 (be born between 01/01/1983 and 01/01/2006) for
internal candidates.
4) however, disabled persons holding a National Disability Card
issued by the competent authorities, benefit from a
ceiling of five (05) years maximum, above the in
accordance with Order No. 040/ PM of May 19, 2022 susvi
bb Specific conditions,
1- For admission alt c1cIe of the Principal Youth InstTllcteltTS and dI
For external candidates, hold either the Baccalaureate of Secondary Education
(all series combined) or the General Certifièatc of Edtlcation Advanced
Level (CCE–A/L) obtained in at least two subjects, apart from the subject „ religiot is
knowledge”, or any foreign diploma recognized as equivalent.
For internal candidates, be an Instructor of Youth and Animation (IJA),
justify a seniority of three (03) years – at least in this grade of January 1, 2023, or be a
civil servant of the Administrations of the Armed Forces and the Police or the
Penitentiary Administration fulfilling the same specific conditions required for external candidates, and
justifying a seniority of three (03) years at least in this grade on January 1, 2023.
2- For admission aa c 1cIe Institutes of Youth and Animation (HA)
– For external candidates, hold either the Probatoire de l’Enseignement
Secondary (all series combined), i.e. both the General Certificate of Education
C)rdinary Level (CCE-O/L) obtained in at least four subjects apart from the subject “religiotls
knowledge” and the General Certificate of Education Advanced Level (CCE -A/L) obtained in
at least one subject, apart from the subject “religious knowledge”, or any
recognized foreign diploma equivalent.
– For internal candidates, be Assistant Instructor of Youth and Animation
(IAJA), justify a seniority of trc)is (03) years at least in this grade as of January 2023,
or be a Civil Servant of Key Administrations Armed and Police Forces or cIc
the Penitentiary Administration meeting the other specific conditions required atlx
Page 2external candidates, and must have seniority of at least three (03) years in this grade on
January 2023.
3- For admission to the c1cIe des Instructeurs Adjoints de Jeunesseet d’Animation (IAIA)
– For external candidates, hold either the Brevet d’Etudes du Premier Cycle
(BEl’C), or the General Certificate of EducatioIr C -) rdinary Level (CCE–O/L) obtained
in at least four subjects e11 apart from the subject “religiolls knowledge”, or any
foreign diploma recognized as equivalent.
• For internal candidates, be an official of the Administrations of the
Armed Forces and the Police or of the Penitentiary Administration fulfilling the same conditions
required of external candidates, and provide proof of seniority of at least three (0.3) years
in this grade on January 1, 2023.
Article 3.-
Files can be submitted online at
concoursonline.minfopra.gov.cm or deposited in the ten (10) Regional Delegations of the
Ministry of Public Service and Administrative Reform, until Friday,
September 15 , 2023 , deadline rigor and must imperatively include the following documents,
For external candidates:
1. A registration form stamped at one thousand five hundred (1,500) CFA francs, the printout of which
is available in the services of the Ministry of Public Function and dç the
Administrative Reform or in the Regional Delegations of the same Ministry and
downloadable on the Internet site, http://www.minfopra.gov.cm;
2. A certified true copy of the birth certificate signed by tine authority ci-ile
CUI 11p élcl-1 Le;
3. An extract from the criminal record, btïlletin n”3;
4. A certified copy of the required diploma, signed by a
competent civil authority;
5. A certificate of presentation of the original of the required diploma, signed by the competent civil servant
6. A medical certificate issued by a doctor in the ptlblic sector;
7. An information sheet duly legalized by a competent authority;
8. A receipt for payment of the sum of twenty-five thousand (25,000) CFA francs
issued by a person in charge of the EXPRESS UNION counter of the place of deposit of the file of
candidate t] re;
9. Two (02) 4×4 photos;
IO. A stamped envelope of one thousand (1000) CFA francs addressed to the dtl candidate.
For internal candidates:
1. A registration form stamped at one thousand five hundred (1,500) CFA francs, the form of which
is available from the services of the Ministry of the Public Service and Administrative Reform
or from the Regional Delegations of the same Ministry and
downloadable from the website: http://www.minfopra.gov.cm;
A copy of the reclassification OII integration act;
A receipt for payment of the sum of twenty-five thousand (25,000) CFA francs
issued by US UNION dll lictl dc filing cÏLI
candidate file • a
Article 4.-
The physical, written and oral tests will take place according to the schedule below,
1. Physical tests:
September 19, 2023
September 20, 2023
a. Places where the tests will take place
rad press release
b. The scale of evalUl = to:
Youth and Animation events (UA).
General Culture 081100 – 121100
23 çppfelrrlrre 2023 Economic, PoliticItlc 131100 – 1 61300
and Human Oeography
4. IJne authorization to compete issued at the correct date by the Minister for the
Public Service and Administrative Reform, after prior notice from the Minister using it;
5. t.Jne envelope stamped with one thousand (1000) CFA francs addressed to the candidate.
candidates who submit their files online are exempt from the formalities of submitting
physical files. However, the said files must imperatively be submitted to the
Ministry of the Public Service and Administrative Reform for candidates
declared definitively admitted.
Candidates wishing to be accompanied free of charge in the
online registration procedure can approach the branches of the National Youth Observatory
(ON]) housed within the Multifunctional Centers for the Promotion of Young People
State employee candidates subject to the Labor Code and fulfilling the conditions
set out in Article 2 must provide a copy of their employment contract or decision
to hire. IJ A candidates holding C;CE-CI/L and GCE-A/L must produce certified true
copies and certificates of presentation of the originals of the said diplomas duly signed by a competent civil authority. Any file that is incomplete, late or whose documents are signed in a police station will not be accepted. Documents legalized by an administrative, nrrInicipal or judicial authority must be dated less than three (03) months from the date of submission of the files. • Dated Nature of the Boys LIt-3C tests Girls Elimination note
100 m or 1000 nI 100 m or 600 nl PS/20
Ha tltetlr, !_t)nguetl i)
5 kg weight, diSaI the 3 kg weight, disc or
or iavelot favelot.
Football, Basketball, Volleyball OII Hand-ba11
(your choice)
Jumping 05/20
Throwing A team
sport 05/20 05/20 physical will be indicated by means of $È-ii@-@, ,el,1 002758 12 m 202 3 Instructor BIM_ 1111 a Times applicable proofs in the classes of >n (IPfA) and Instructors of Durations Coef. Eliminatory Note 05/20 05/20 Page 4Summary of TcxLc
September 24, 2023 Language: English for
Francophones and Frarlçais for
8:00 a.m. – 12:00
p.m. 1:00
p.m. The time limit for access to the rooms is imperatively set at 7 am sharp.
d. Oral tests for eligible IPyA and lyA candidates.
To be determined
Interview with the Jury
Coef. Times
2 From 08:00
(I) The results of the present sc’runE competition published by decree of the ‘finisï’rc de {a
FoIccion Ptlbliquc ct de la RéfQrme Administrative
(2) a) EII case of absence of candidatures from the Armed Forces, the Police and
i the Penitentiary Administration, the lion’s share of places reserved for the latter must
be allocated to external candidates. ,
b) In the event of the absence of internal candidates or of the quorunl not being reached, the
number of rooms reserved for the latter must be allocated to external candidates.
(3) – The laureates registered as internal candidates are admitted in the first year
of their academic cycle;
Article 6.- Any fraud observed before, during or after the running of the competition will be
penalized in accordance with the laws and regulations in force.
Article 7.- This decree will be registered and published wherever necessary. /-
Yaoundé, JUNE 12, 2023
Joseph LE
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