THE MINISTER OF STATE, MINISTER OF HIGHER EDUCATION,: Mindful of Decision 11°18230069/MINESUP/SG/DAUQ/SDEAC/SE of 11 April 2023 setting dates for competitive entrance examinations for admission into Faculties and Schools of Cameroon State Universities and Schools under academic tutelage ofthe Ministry ofHigher Education, for the2023-2024 academic year ; On the proposai ofthe Rector ofthe University of Dschang ;

Mindful ofthe Constitution;
Mindful ofLaw ofn°2001/005 of 16 April 2001 on the orientation ofHigher Education;
Mindful of Decree n°2018/190 of 02 March 2018 to amend and complete some provisions ofDecree
n°2011/408 of 09 December 2011 on the organization ofthe Government;
Mindful of Decree n°2011/410 of 09 December 201I appoint members ofGovernment;
Mindful ofDecree n°2019/002 of 04 January 2019 to reshuffle the Government;
Mindful of Decree N93/026 of 19 January 1993 creating Universities;
Mindful of Decree N°93/027 of 19 January 1993 to define provisions common to Universities,
modified and completed by Decree n°2005/342 of 10 September 2005;
Mindful of Decree n° 93/029 of 19 January 1993 laying down the administrative and academic
structures ofthe University ofDschang;
Mindful of Decree N°93/035 of 19 January 1993 to grant Special Status to the Higher Education



M indful ofDecree 11°2012/433 of O 1 October 2012 to organize the Ministry ofHigher Education;
Mindful of Decree 11°2015/398 of 15 September 2015 to appoint Rectors in some State Universities;
Mindful of Decree n° 2017/587 of 24 November 2017 creating the Faculty ofMedicine
and Pharmaceutical Sciences ofthe University ofDschang at Dschang;
Mindful of Decree n° 2018/074 of 29 January 2018 appointing members of the administration of
some State Universities;
Mindful of Decision 11°18230069/MINESUP/SG/DAUQ/SDEAC/SE of 11 April 2023 setting dates
for competitive entrance examinations for admission into Faculties and Schools of
Cameroon State Universities and Schools under academic tutelage ofthe Ministry ofHigher
Education, for the2023-2024 academic year ;
On the proposai ofthe Rector ofthe University of Dschang ;



Article 1: The following:
Students of Terminal level in sciences series C and D, of Upper Sixth science holding
a GCE/OL in at least four (04) subjects (excluding religious knowledge);
Holders of Baccalaureate in the aforementioned series or of the General Certificate of
Education Advanced Level (GCE/AL) in at least three science subjects;
– Holders of any certificate equivalent to the aforementioned baccalaureate or GCE/AL,
recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education.
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Are informed that a competitive entrance examination for recruitment of one hundred and
twenty (120) students into the programme in Biomedical Sciences of the Faculty of Medicine
and Pharmaceutical Sciences of the University of Dschang, for the 2023/2024 academic year
is launched in the examination centres of DSCHANG (main campus of the University of
Dschang), YAOUNDE (Ngoa-Ekélé campus of the University of Yaoundé I) and DOUALA
(campus of the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences of the University of



Citizens of member countries of the Central Africa Economie and Monetary Union (CEMAC)
that have ratified texts on national treatment of students and who are holders of equivalent
qualifications are eligible to write the entrance examination under the same conditions as their
Cameroonian counterparts.
Article 2: The_examination syllabuses are those of Terminal level series D or Upper Sixth in
Biology, Chemistry and Physics. The examination includes:
– A study of academic record (marked on 20, that is coefficient 1)
– Written papers (marked on 100, that is coefficient 5)
(1) The study of academic record is based on:
– Age;
– ·Probatoire” or GCE/OL transcripts.
– “Baccalauréat” or GCE/AL transcripts.
(2) The written papers, are made up of multiple-choice questions and set for three hours, and
include the following:
– A paper of Biology (50 marks).
– A paper of Chemistry (25 marks).
– A paper of Physics (25 marks).
Article 3: If successful, candidates awaiting results of the required diploma will be declared
admitted only upon presentation of the original certificate or the success testimonial wherever

Registration shall be done online at the University of Dschang website www.univ- • or the platform
Article 4:- The application file shall comprise the following:
– An application form downloaded from the University of Dschang website or from the platform The
completed form shall be printed, stamped at 1500 francs and be signed by the
– A receipt of payment of registration fees;
– A certified true photocopy of birth certificate (issued not more than 3 months earlier);
– A certified true photocopy of the GCE/AL certificate or “Baccalauréat” in science, or
any equivalent certificate; or a certified copy of results slip;
– Certified true photocopies of “Probatoire” and “Baccalauréat”, or GCE/OL and
GCE/AL transcripts or a certified photocopy;
– A medical certificate signed by a public service Medical Practitioner attesting the
abilities of the candidate to pursue studies in biomedical sciences;
– 4 passport size photographs (4×4);
– A large (A4 size) self-addressed envelope stamped at 400F CFA.
Article 5: Candidates must not be more than twenty-three (23) years old as on the is1 of
@or 202

Article 6: The registration fees for the entrance examination are twenty thousand (20 000)
Francs CFA payable upon presentation of a downloaded payment slip, at the authorized
financia/ institution chosen during the online application procedure. These fees are used to
cover charges pertaining to the organisation ofthe examination and are not refundable.


Article 7: Complete application files shall be deposited against receipt, at any of the
following sites not later than Friday 18 august 2023 at 3.30pm:

– the admission office of the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences of the
University of Dschang;
– any of the antennae of the University of Dschang: Yaoundé-Nkolbisson, Maroua,
Bafia, and Bambui;
– the admission office of the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences of the
University of Douala.
Only candidates who will deposit complete application files will be authorised to write.
Candidates shall present their national identity card and the receipt of submission of their
application file bearing their photograph, before entering the examination hall.
Article 8: The written examination will take place on Friday pt September 2023, at 7.30 am
prompt, at the three centres indicated above.
Article 9: The Rector of the University of Dschang, the Director of University Accreditation
and Quality, and the Dean of The Faculty of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences of the
University of Dschang are, each in his capacity, in charge of the implementation of this
decision that shall be recorded and published wherever need be.





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